- Solid
- Starwin
- Pegasus
- Shout
- Warehouse
- Go on Girl
- Ghettocoder
- Femme Litre
- All Day (Robert Hood remix)
- For These Times
- Meat & Dancing
- Anoid (demo version)
- Selekta (Valentino Khan remix)
- Chella Ride
- Tric Trac
- Kaiko
- Aufstand
- Luft
- Wall to Wall
- Pot
- Work This MF
- Motor
- The Compass
- Nothing but Pleasure (Boys Noize Pressure Fix)
- Andrea
- Maje
- XTC (The Chemical Brothers remix) / DTF DADT (a cappella)
- Space Invaders Are Smoking Grass
- Goldfisch / XTC (a cappella)
- Arcadia (Boys Noize reprise)