- Wait for Now [Mary Lattimore rework]
- The Workers of Art (Kelly Moran remix)
- Lessons (Dorian Concept remix)
- A Caged Bird/Imitations of Life [Fennesz remix]
- Wait for Now [Blankfor.Ms remix]
- To Believe [Lucinda Chua rework]
- A Caged Bird/Imitations of Life [James Heather rework]
- Wait for Now [Pépé Bradock's Just a Word to Say mix]
- Wait for Now [Pépé Bradock's Wobbly mix]
- Lessons (Ras G remix)
- The Workers of Art (Photay remix)
- A Promise [PC’s Cirali mix]
- Zero One/This Fantasy [The Cinematic Orchestra remix]
- A Caged Bird/Imitations of Life [Moiré remix]
- To Believe [Anthony Naples remix]
- A Promise [Actress' the Sky of Your Heart Will Rain mix 2]